Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Take Five

Jake and I spent a couple of days at the beach in March.  We are in the sunny south.  While it was warm, it wasn't the hot, humid, sweltering go jump in the water to cool off heat we have the pleasure of having  June - September in South Carolina.

The mosquito's didn't seem to get that memo, though.  They were dive bombing me.  They LOVE me.  Do I have comfort in knowing I am loved?  Ha!

While we were there soaking up sun and time with each other I also noticed a few other things:

The feel of warm sunshine on my face.

Reflection of the sun off the water.

Sound of the waves as they meet the shore. 

Smell of the salt water and the smell of the marsh.

Feeling the ocean breeze.

Those silly sea birds that walk sideways on the beach and stand on one leg.  Begging for a cheeto or cracker.  You think they do that walk for the cracker?

A little boy running to catch those birds not caring whether he caught them or not.

Dolphins - swimming down the coast toward Savannah.  There were lots of them.  I know you call a group of Dolphins swimming, a pod.  I like using the word "herd" better.  Isn't that more fun?   And it's just plain silly.  Silly is good.

The daily circle of a military training plane or helicopter.  Made me so thankful that we live in a country where brave men and women serve to protect our freedom.

Watching a group of cousins play together during a long wait for their table to be ready at a restaurant.  Most of them were 6 and below.  There was one boy a bit older, I'd say 11 or so.  Hat's off to him for being a great role model and not complaining. The grandparents were beaming with pride having all of them in one place. 

Families riding bicycles up and down the beach.

A little girl on the back of the bike, yelling, "Go, granddaddy, go!"  (faster) Heart melting.

Note:  When riding bicycles with children on the beach remember they are just that, children.  Don't tell them to stop acting like a baby.  They are babies.  Stop, listen to them and show them the dolphin that are swimming almost so close that you could touch them. (If you were brave enough to try that COLD water.)  And one more thing.  Don't make up stupid rules about bike riding and fuss at them.  It's spring break for crying out loud.. 

All in all, it was a fabulous week.  We really didn't want to come home.  But, alas, all things must end.

I can't wait til next time!

Just Bebe

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